Michigan State University

Университет штата Мичиган — государственный университет в США. Расположен в Ист-Лансинге, штат Мичиган. Основан в 1855 году. Занятия начались в мае 1857 года в трех зданиях, на тот момент было всего 5 преподавателей и 63 студента.
Стоимость за 2 семестра = 1 академический год
- Обучение $36,018
- Проживание и питание $10,062
- Книги и прочее $1,060
- Персональные / Разное $2,606
- Медицинское страхование $1,708
Итого: $51,454
В университете есть частные учебные стипендии, и они рассматриваются автоматически. Университет предлагает студентам обращаться в начале марта. В прошлом году прием был закрыт 1 апреля
ссылка на онлайн здесь: http://admissions.msu.edu/admission/international.asp
Дополнительно оплачивается:
- Бронирование программы и визовая поддержка =169000 тенге
- Консульский сбор =160 USD
- Государственный сбор с иностранного студента= 200 USD
- Авиабилет (тариф 1600-1850у.е.)
- Услуги банка по переводу суммы в США = 18500 тг
Список программ Бакалавра:
Actuarial Science
Additional Major in Arabic
Additional Major in Chinese
Additional Major in German
Additional Major in Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities
Additional Major in Japanese
Additional Major in Russian
Agribusiness Management
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Education
Animal Science
Anthropology - Bachelor of Arts
Anthropology - Bachelor of Science
Apparel and Textile Design
Apparel and Textiles
Applied Engineering Sciences
Art Education
Art History and Visual Culture
Arts and Humanities
Athletic Training
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Biotechnology
Biological Science-Interdepartmental
Biology Major
Biomedical Laboratory Science
Biosystems Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Physics
Chemistry - Bachelor of Arts
Chemistry - Bachelor of Science
Child Development - Bachelor of Arts
Civil Engineering
Classical Studies (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2010 through Fall 2015)
Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Comparative Cultures and Politics Major
Computational Chemistry (this program is in moratorium Summer 2013 through Spring 2015)
Computational Mathematics - Bachelor of Arts
Computational Mathematics - Bachelor of Science
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Computer Science Major
Construction Management
Criminal Justice
Crop and Soil Sciences
Diagnostic Molecular Science (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2013 through Summer 2015)
Earth Science - Interdepartmental
Earth Science Major
Economics - Bachelor of Arts
Economics - Bachelor of Science
Electrical Engineering
Environmental Biology/Microbiology
Environmental Biology/Plant Biology
Environmental Biology/Zoology
Environmental Economics and Policy
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Geography
Environmental Geosciences
Environmental Sciences and Management Major
Environmental Studies and Sustainability
Experience Architecture
Film Studies
Fisheries and Wildlife
Food Industry Management
Food Science
General Management
Genomics and Molecular Genetics
Geographic Information Science
Geography - Bachelor of Arts (this program is in moratorium effective Fall 2014 through Fall 2015)
Geography - Bachelor of Science (this program is in moratorium effective Fall 2014 through Fall 2015)
Geological Sciences
Global and Area Studies- Social Science (Bachelor of Arts)
Global and Area Studies- Social Science (Bachelor of Science)
Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities
History Education
History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science Major
Hospitality Business
Human Biology
Human Development and Family Studies - Bachelor of Arts
Human Development and Family Studies - Bachelor of Science
Human Geography
Human Resource Management
Humanities - Prelaw Program
Interdisciplinary Humanities, Program in
Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science (Bachelor of Arts)
Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science (Bachelor of Science)
Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science: Social Science Education
Interior Design
International Relations Major
Jazz Studies
Landscape Architecture
Materials Science and Engineering
Mathematics - Bachelor of Arts
Mathematics - Bachelor of Science
Mathematics, Advanced - Bachelor of Arts
Mathematics, Advanced - Bachelor of Science
Mechanical Engineering
Media and Communication Technology (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2012 through Summer 2016)
Media and Information - Bachelor of Arts
Media and Information - Bachelor of Science
Media Arts and Technology (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2012 through Summer 2016)
Music Education
Music Performance
Nutritional Sciences
Physical Science - Interdepartmental
Physical Science Major
Physics - Bachelor of Arts
Physics - Bachelor of Science
Plant Biology
Political Science - General
Political Science - Prelaw
Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy Major
Professional Writing
Psychology - Bachelor of Arts
Psychology - Bachelor of Science
Public Policy
Religious Studies
Social Relations and Policy Major
Social Work
Sociology - Bachelor of Arts
Sociology - Bachelor of Science
Special Education (Special Ed-Learn Disabilities)
Statistics (Bachelor of Arts)
Statistics (Bachelor of Science)
Studio Art - Bachelor of Arts
Studio Art - Bachelor of Fine Arts
Supply Chain Management
Sustainable Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Technology Systems Management (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2011 through Spring 2017)
Theatre - Bachelor of Arts
Theatre - Bachelor of Fine Arts
Urban and Regional Planning
Veterinary Technology
Women's and Gender Studies
World Politics
Zoology - Bachelor of Arts
Zoology - Bachelor of Science
Список программ Мастер:
Accounting - Master of Science
Advertising - Master of Arts
African American and African Studies - Doctor of Philosophy
African American and African Studies - Master of Arts
Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics - Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics - Master of Science
American Studies - Doctor of Philosophy (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2010 through Summer 2017)
American Studies - Master of Arts (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2010 through Summer 2015)
Animal Science - Master of Science
Animal Science- Doctor of Philosophy
Animal Science-Environmental Toxicology
Anthropology - Doctor of Philosophy
Anthropology - Master of Arts
Applied Mathematics - Doctor of Philosophy
Applied Mathematics - Master of Science
Applied Spanish Linguistics - Master of Arts (this program is in moratorium effective Summer 2015 through Summer 2015)
Applied Statistics - Master of Science
Arts and Cultural Management - Master of Arts
Astrophysics and Astronomy - Doctor of Philosophy
Astrophysics and Astronomy - Master of Science
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Doctor of Philosophy
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Master of Science
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Environmental Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Biomedical Laboratory Operations - Master of Science
Biomedical Laboratory Science - Master of Arts
Biostatistics - Master of Science
Biosystems Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy
Biosystems Engineering - Master of Science
Business Administration - Doctor of Philosophy
Business Administration - Doctor of Philosophy (Finance)
Business Administration - Doctor of Philosophy (Logistics)
Business Administration - Doctor of Philosophy (Operations and Sourcing Mgt)
Business Administration - Doctor of Philosophy (Strategic Management)
Business Administration - Doctor of Philosophy (Org Behav-Human Resource Mgt)
Business Administration - Doctor of Philosophy (Business Information Systems)
Business Analytics - Master of Science
Business Research - Master of Science
Cell and Molecular Biology - Doctor of Philosophy
Cell and Molecular Biology - Environmental Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Cell and Molecular Biology - Master of Science
Chemical Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy
Chemical Engineering - Master of Science
Chemical Physics - Doctor of Philosophy
Chemistry - Doctor of Philosophy
Chemistry - Environmental Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Chemistry - Master of Science
Chicano/Latino Studies, Doctor of Philosophy
Child Development - Master of Science
Civil Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy
Civil Engineering - Master of Science
Clinical Laboratory Sciences - Master of Science
Collaborative Piano - Master of Music
Communication - Doctor of Philosophy
Communication - Master of Arts
Communicative Sciences and Disorders - Doctor of Philosophy
Communicative Sciences and Disorders - Master of Arts
Community Sustainability - Doctor of Philosophy
Community Sustainability - Master of Science
Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology - Doctor of Philosophy
Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology - Master of Science
Computer Science - Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Science - Master of Science
Construction Management - Master of Science
Criminal Justice - Doctor of Philosophy
Criminal Justice - Master of Science
Critical Studies in Literacy and Pedagogy - Master of Arts
Crop and Soil Sciences - Master of Science
Crop and Soil Sciences- Doctor of Philosophy
Crop and Soil Sciences- Environmental Toxicology
Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education - Doctor of Philosophy
Digital Rhetoric and Professional Writing - Master of Arts
Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior - Dual Major
Economics - Doctor of Philosophy
Economics - Master of Arts
Education - Master of Arts
Educational Leadership - Doctor of Education
Educational Policy - Doctor of Philosophy
Educational Psychology and Educational Technology - Doctor of Philosophy
Educational Technology - Master of Arts
Electrical Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy
Electrical Engineering - Master of Science
Engineering Mechanics - Doctor of Philosophy
Engineering Mechanics - Master of Science
English - Doctor of Philosophy
Entomology - Doctor of Philosophy
Entomology - Master of Science
Environmental Design - Master of Arts
Environmental Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy
Environmental Engineering - Master of Science
Environmental Geosciences - Doctor of Philosophy
Environmental Geosciences - Environmental Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Environmental Geosciences - Master of Science
Epidemiology - Doctor of Philosophy
Epidemiology - Master of Science
Family Community Services - Master of Arts
Finance - Master of Science
Fisheries and Wildlife - Doctor of Philosophy
Fisheries and Wildlife - Environmental Toxicology
Fisheries and Wildlife - Master of Science
Food Safety - Master of Science
Food Science - Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy (Master of Science)
Food Science - Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor of Philosophy)
Food Science-Environmental Toxicology
Foodservice Business Management - Master of Science
Foreign Language Teaching - Master of Arts
Forensic Science - Master of Science
Forestry - Doctor of Philosophy
Forestry - Environmental Toxicology
Forestry - Master of Science
French - Master of Arts
French, Language and Literature - Doctor of Philosophy
Genetics - Doctor of Philosophy
Genetics - Environmental Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Genetics - Master of Science
Geographic Information Science - Master of Science
Geography - Doctor of Philosophy
Geography - Master of Science
Geological Sciences - Doctor of Philosophy
Geological Sciences - Master of Science
German Studies - Doctor of Philosophy
German Studies - Master of Arts
Health and Risk Communication - Master of Arts
Health Professions Education - Master of Arts (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2015 through Fall 2016)
Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education - Master of Arts
Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education - Doctor of Philosophy
Hispanic Cultural Studies - Doctor of Philosophy
Hispanic Literatures - Master of Arts
History - Doctor of Philosophy
History - Master of Arts
History-Secondary School Teaching - Master of Arts (this program is in moratorium effective Spring 2010 through Spring 2015)
Horticulture - Doctor of Philosophy
Horticulture - Master of Science
Hospitality Business Management - Master of Science
Human Development and Family Studies - Doctor of Philosophy
Human Development and Family Studies - Master of Science
Human Nutrition - Doctor of Philosophy
Human Nutrition - Environmental Toxicology
Human Nutrition - Master of Science
Human Resources and Labor Relations - Master of Human Resources and Labor Relations
Human Resources and Labor Relations - Doctor of Philosophy
Industrial Mathematics - Master of Science
Integrative Pharmacology - Master of Science
Interior Design and Facilities Management - Master of Arts (this program is in moratorium Spring 2011 through Fall 2014)
International Planning Studies
Jazz Studies - Master of Music
Journalism - Master of Arts
Judicial Administration - Master of Science
K-12 Educational Administration - Doctor of Philosophy
K-12 Educational Administration - Master of Arts
Kinesiology - Doctor of Philosophy
Kinesiology - Master of Science
Laboratory Research in Pharmacology and Toxicology - Master of Science
Large Animal Clinical Sciences - Doctor of Philosophy
Large Animal Clinical Sciences - Master of Science
Law Enforcement Intelligence and Analysis - Master of Science
Linguistics - Doctor of Philosophy
Linguistics - Master of Arts
Literature in English - Master of Arts
Management, Strategy, and Leadership - Master of Science
Marketing Research - Master of Science
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration Degree: Corporate M.B.A. Program
Master of Business Administration Degree: Executive M.B.A. Program
Master of Business Administration Degree: Program in Integrative Management
Master of Public Health in Public Health
Materials Science and Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy
Materials Science and Engineering - Master of Science
Mathematics - Doctor of Philosophy
Mathematics - Master of Arts for Teachers
Mathematics - Master of Science
Mathematics Education - Doctor of Philosophy
Mathematics Education - Master of Science
Measurement and Quantitative Methods - Doctor of Philosophy
Mechanical Engineering - Doctor of Philosophy
Mechanical Engineering - Master of Science
Media and Information Studies - Doctor of Philosophy
Microbiology - Environmental Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics - Doctor of Philosophy
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics - Master of Science
Music Composition - Doctor of Musical Arts
Music Composition - Master of Music
Music Conducting - Doctor of Musical Arts
Music Conducting - Master of Music
Music Education - Doctor of Philosophy
Music Education - Master of Music
Music Performance - Doctor of Musical Arts
Music Performance - Master of Music
Music Theory - Master of Music
Musicology - Master of Arts
Neuroscience - Doctor of Philosophy
Neuroscience - Environmental Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Neuroscience - Master of Science
Nursing - Doctor of Philosophy
Nursing - Master of Science
Nursing Practice - Doctor of Nursing Practice
Packaging - Doctor of Philosophy
Packaging - Master of Science
Pathobiology - Doctor of Philosophy
Pathobiology - Master of Science
Pathobiology-Environmental Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Pharmacology and Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Pharmacology and Toxicology - Master of Science
Pharmacology and Toxicology-Environmental Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Philosophy - Doctor of Philosophy
Philosophy - Master of Arts
Physics - Doctor of Philosophy
Physics - Master of Science
Physiology - Doctor of Philosophy
Physiology - Master of Science
Piano Pedagogy - Master of Music
Planning, Design and Construction - Doctor of Philosophy
Plant Biology - Doctor of Philosophy
Plant Biology - Master of Science
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Crop and Soil Sciences (Master of Science)
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Crop and Soil Sciences (Doctor of Philosophy)
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Forestry (Master of Science)
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Forestry (Doctor of Philosophy)
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Horticulture (Master of Science)
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Horticulture (Doctor of Philosophy)
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Plant Biology (Master of Science)
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology - Plant Biology (Doctor of Philosophy)
Plant Pathology - Doctor of Philosophy
Plant Pathology - Master of Science
Political Science - Doctor of Philosophy
Political Science - Master of Arts
Professional Applications in Anthropology - Master of Arts
Program Evaluation - Master of Arts
Psychology - Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy (Master of Arts)
Psychology - Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor of Philosophy)
Public Policy - Master of Public Policy
Public Relations - Master of Arts
Rehabilitation Counseling - Master of Arts
Rehabilitation Counselor Education - Doctor of Philosophy
Rhetoric and Writing - Doctor of Philosophy
School Psychology - Doctor of Philosophy
School Psychology - Educational Specialist
School Psychology - Master of Arts
Second Language Studies - Doctor of Philosophy
Small Animal Clinical Sciences - Master of Science
Social Work - Doctor of Philosophy
Social Work - Master of Social Work
Sociology - Doctor of Philosophy
Sociology - Master of Arts
Special Education - Doctor of Philosophy
Special Education - Master of Arts
Statistics - Doctor of Philosophy
Statistics - Master of Science
Student Affairs Administration - Master of Arts
Studio Art - Master of Fine Arts
Supply Chain Management - Master of Science
Sustainable Tourism and Protected Area Management - Doctor of Philosophy
Sustainable Tourism and Protected Area Management - Master of Science
Teaching and Curriculum - Master of Arts
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - Master of Arts
Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media - Master of Arts
Theatre - Master of Fine Arts
Urban and Regional Planning - Master of Urban and Regional Planning
Youth Development - Master of Arts
Zoology - Doctor of Philosophy
Zoology - Environmental Toxicology - Doctor of Philosophy
Zoology - Master of Science