Венский государственный университет / Universitat Wien

Все программы университета от A до Z
This list shows you all degree programmes offered by the University of Vienna. Please find descriptions of all degree programmes in German on our German website.
B - Bachelor programmes
Bakk - Bachelor programmes, ending with the Austrian title "Bakkalaureus/Bakkalaurea"
LA - Teacher accreditation programmes
M - Master programmes
Mag - Magister programmes, ending with the Austrian title "Magister/Magistra"
IMS - Individual Master Studies
Dr - Doctoral/Phd Programmes
Программы Бакалавр
African Studies (B)
Ancient History and Classical Studies (B)
Astronomy (B)
Biology (B)
Business Administration (B)
Business Informatics (B)
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (B)
Chemistry (B)
Classical Archaeology (B)
Classical Philology (B)
Comparative Literature (B)
Computer Science (B)
Dutch Studies (B)
Earth Sciences (B)
Economics (B)
Education (B)
Egyptology (B)
English and American Studies (B)
European Ethnology (B)
Fennistic Studies (B)
Geography (B)
German Studies (B)
History (B)
History of Art and Architecture (B)
Hungarian Studies (B)
International Business Administration (B)
Japanese Studies (B)
Jewish Studies (B)
Korean Studies (B)
Languages and Cultures of South Asia and Tibet (B)
Linguistics (B)
Mass Media and Communication Science (BAKK)
Mathematics (B)
Meteorology (B)
Musicology (B)
Nutritional Science (B)
Oriental Studies (B)
Pharmacy (B)
Philosophy (B)
Physics (B)
Political Science (B)
Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology (B)
Protestant Theology (B)
Psychology (B)
Religious Education (B)
Romance Studies (B)
Scandinavian Studies (B)
Sinology (B)
Slavonic Studies (B)
Social and Cultural Anthropology (B)
Sociology (B)
Sports Sciences (BAKK)
Statistics (B)
Theatre, Film and Media Studies (B)
Transcultural Communication (B)
Программы Диплома
Catholic Theology (DS)
Law (DS)
Аккредитованные программы для преподавателей
Biology and Environmental Studies - Subject of instruction (LA)
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian - Subject of instruction (LA)
Catholic Religious Education - Subject of instruction (LA)
Chemistry - Subject of instruction (LA)
Computer Science and Computer Management - Subject of instruction (LA)
Czech - Subject of instruction (LA)
Descriptive Geometry - Subject of instruction(LA)
English - Subject of instruction (LA)
French - Subject of instruction (LA)
Geography and Economics - Subject of instruction (LA)
German - Subject of instruction (LA)
Greek - Subject of instruction (LA)
History, Social Studies and Political Education - Subject of instruction (LA)
Home Economics and Nutrition - Subject of instruction (LA)
Hungarian - Subject of instruction (LA)
Italian - Subject of instruction (LA)
Latin - Subject of instruction (LA)
Mathematics - Subject of instruction (LA)
Physical Education and Sport - Subject of instruction (LA)
Physics - Subject of instruction (LA)
Polish - Subject of instruction (LA)
Protestant Religious Education - Subject of instruction (LA)
Psychology and Philosophy - Subject of instruction (LA)
Russian - Subject of instruction (LA)
Slovakian - Subject of instruction (LA)
Slovenian - Subject of instruction (LA)
Spanish - Subject of instruction (LA)
Программы Мастер
Advanced Theological Studies (M)
African Studies (M)
Ancient History and Classical Studies (M)
Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Oriental Archaeology (M)
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (M)
Anthropology (M)
Applied Linguistics (M)
The Arab World: Language and Society (M)
Astronomy (M)
Austrian Studies - Cultures, Literatures, Languages (M)
Behavior, Neurobiology and Cognition (M)
Biological Chemistry (M)
Botany (M)
Business Administration (M)
Business Informatics (M)
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (M)
Cartography and Geographic Information Science (M)
Religious Education (M)
Chemistry (M)
Chemistry and Technology of Materials (M)
Chinese Studies (M)
Classical Archaeology (M)
Classical Philology (Latin) (M)
Classical Philology (Greek) (M)
Comparative Literature (M)
Communication Science (M)
Computational Science (M)
Conservation Biology and Biodiversity Management (M)
CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes (M)
Culture and Society of Modern South Asia (M)
Didactics of Informatics (M)
Dutch Studies (M)
Earth Sciences (M)
East Asian Economy and Society (M)
Ecology and Ecosystems (M)
Economics (MAG)
Education (M)
English Language and Linguistics (M)
Environmental Sciences (M)
European Ethnology (M)
European Master in Health and Physical Activity (M)
Evolutionary Biology (M)
Finno-Ugrian Studies (M)
Gender Studies (M)
General Linguistics: Grammar Theory and Cognitive Linguistics (M)
General Slavonic Studies (M)
Genetics and Developmental Biology (M)
Geography (M)
German as a Foreign and Second Language (M)
German Studies (M)
Global History (ERASMUS MUNDUS) (M)
Historical Research, Historical Ancillary Sciences and Archiving (M)
History (M)
History of Art and Architecture (M)
History of Theatre, Film and Media (M)
Hungarian Studies (M)
Indo-European Studies and Historical Linguistics (M)
Interdisciplinary East European Studies (M)
International Business Administration (M)
International Development (M)
Islamic Religious Education (M)
Islamic Studies (M)
Japanese Studies (M)
Jewish Studies (M)
Korean Studies (M)
Languages and Cultures of South Asia (M)
Mass Media and Communication Science (MAG)
Mathematics (M)
MATILDA: European Master in Women's and Gender History (M)
Media Informatics (M)
Mediaeval and Neolatin Studies (M)
Meteorology (M)
Middle European interdisciplinary master programme in Cognitive Science (M)
Molecular Biology (M)
Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology (M)
Musicology (M)
Numismatics and the History of Money (IMS)
Nursing Science (M)
Nutritional Science (M)
Palaeobiology (M)
Philosophy (M)
Philosophy and History of Science (M)
Physics (M)
Physics of the Earth (Geophysics) (M)
Political Science (M)
Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology (M)
Protestant Theology (M)
Psychology (M)
Regional Research and Regional Planning (M)
Religious Studies (M)
Romance Studies (M)
Scandinavian Studies (M)
Science - Technology - Society (M)
Scientific Computing (M)
Slavonic Studies (M)
Social and Cultural Anthropology (M)
Sociology (M)
Sports Sciences (MAG)
Statistics (MAG)
Studies in Egyptology (M)
Theory of Theatre, Film and Media (M)
Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (M)
Translation (M)
Turkish Studies (M)
Urban Studies (M)
Zoology (M)
Докторские программы/PhD programmes
Doctoral Programme in Arts and Humanities, Philosophy and Education (Dr)
Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Statistics (Dr./PhD)
Doctoral Programme in Law (Dr)
Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences (Dr)
Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences and PhD Programme in Life Sciences (Dr/PhD)
Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences (Dr)
PhD-Programme in Advanced Theological Studies (PhD), Doctoral Programme in Catholic Theology (Dr) and Doctoral Programme in Protestant Theology (Dr)
Программы, требующие вступительные экзамены / Entrance exmaninations at the University of Vienna
The following study programmes offered at the University of Vienna are affected by entrance examinations if the number of applicants is higher than the amount of study places:
- Business Administration
- International Business Administration
- Economics
- Biology
- Pharmacy
- Nutritional Science
- Psychology
- Mass Media and Communication Science
- Teacher accrediation programmes
- Sport study programmes
The entrance examination takes place once a year before the start of the winter semester and is valid for one academic year.
The next entrance examinations will take place in summer 2017. It is only possible to get admitted after participating in the entrance examination.
The language of the Online-Self-Assessment and the entrance examination is German.
There is no entrance examination in Sports Sciences, but you have to pass an additional exam to prove the physical skills before you can do the personal admission for this study programme. This additional exam is also obligatory for Physical Education and Sports (in addition to the entrance examination).